Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kali Linux is a relatively new Linux-based distro. But, the sixth edition of the famed hacking distro, Backtrack has already received much praise for its hacking and penetration testing abilities. These videos teach you some neat things that you can do using this powerful operating system!

1. How to Update Kali Linux After System Bootup or Restart

This is the first of a series of videos on Kali Linux Tips and Tricks. As the name suggests, this shows you how to update the new penetration testing Linux-based distro after system bootup or restart.

2. Install VMware Tools in a Kali Linux

VMware tools can be really useful on Kali Linux. If you don’t know how to get them, then this video will help.

3. Kali Linux ( Install Desktop Cinnamon 2D )

Although Kali Linux uses the GNOME desktop environment by default, you can still install others on it. Watch this video and learn how to get the Cinnamon 2D desktop on Kali Linux.

4. Add Arabic language to Kali Linux

Tips and tricks are sometimes meant for fun only. Getting the Arabic language on your Kali Linux distro may not be very useful, but you can do it for fun!

5. Kali Linux - How to Hack WiFi Tutorial - Sniffing WiFi Networks & Capturing Packets (BackTrack 6)

This video teaches you how you can use Kali Linux to sniff out WiFi networks and capture packets without connecting to them.

6. Hack FB using set ettercap (kali linux)

Want to use Kali Linux to hack into Facebook? Watch this video to learn how to do it.

7. Kali How to Hack WPA WPA2 the Right Way

This is a video demonstration for how you can hack into WPA/WPA2 connections using the Kali Linux distribution.

8. Control remote computer with SET / Pirater un ordinateur (Kali Linux)

This tutorial video shows you how you can control a remote computer. The video is not in English so watch closely!

9. Kali Linux - Security by Penetration Testing Tutorial: Network Discovery with Scapy

This is a tutorial video that teaches you how to use Scapy on Kali Linux for packet formatting, sending and receiving packets etc.

S.B., CLICK.me

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